Travel Insurance

While travel is exciting, it includes many potential mishaps. You need insurance to protect you in the case of emergency medical needs, unexpected expenses like trip cancellation and lost or stolen luggage.

We specialize in arranging all types of travel insurance for both Israeli residents and foreign citizens traveling overseas.


  1. Medical issues: Special policies which cover current / chronic conditions
  2. Pregnancy: Coverage for up to 32nd week.
  3. Senior citizens coverage
  4. Group policies to Poland / Europe
  5. All policies cover Covid – 19 and can be used as proof of coverage.
We provide online policies and, of course, we handle all claims personally.

The following are the basic prices. There is an additional premium for pre-existing conditions , baggage, pregnancy , extreme sports etc.


USA coverage

Rest of World Coverage

Maximum days of coverage


USA coverage

Rest of World Coverage

The recent earthquake in Nepal brought home to all the importance of having a comprehensive travel insurance plan. Two of the insurance companies that we work with (Harel and Clal) had extensive “search-and-find” teams on the ground within hours of the earthquake.
We had one student insured with whom contact was lost after the first quake. When we checked the policy details, we found to our dismay that the policy had already ended, due to a human error on the part of the parent who took out the policy! We immediately contacted the insurance company, explained the mistake, and she was added on to the list of missing Israelis. Baruch Hashem, the next day she managed to contact her worried parents and soon after that, returned home.

A few lessons to learn:
Never, ever travel overseas without comprehensive travel insurance. For a reasonable amount of money, you cover yourself for up to $1,000,000 with options for pre-existing conditions, maternity, medical evacuation, extreme sport, etc.
Make sure you have an insurance agent that you can call in the middle of the night in case of emergency! (Whereas you can purchase travel insurance through your Kupat Cholim / travel agent – who, but your devoted insurance office (that’s us), will:

  • Issue a policy as you board the plane, having completely forgotten in the rush.
  • Extend your policy if you need to stay on unexpectedly.
  • Issue a policy even if you only realize two weeks into your stay, that you forgot.
  • Make sure that your Sabba’s heart condition and your daughter’s maternity is properly covered.
  • Deal with your claims personally and professionally when you return.
  • Even with the best planning and effort – everything is essentially in G-d’s hands!

Pre-existing conditions (not included in the basic policy) Details of Coverage.

Sudden Deterioration of pre-existing illnesses/medical conditions where:
In the 6 months preceding the arrival to Israel:

  1. The medical condition has been stable.
  2. No hospitalization.
  3. No change in the dosage of medication being taken.

Coverage: Up to $10,000
Psychiatric emergency: up to $3,000


  1. Any condition for which the treatment was expected / for which a doctor in the applicant’s home country recommended the applicant not travel to Israel / for which the applicant was on a waiting list for an operation or treatment.
  2. AIDS, transplants, M.S., dialysis, C.F., sexual diseases, heart disease, malignant diseases (such as cancer).
  3. No cover for refills of medications related to the pre-existing condition.
  4. Applicants over 49 years of age.

Pre-existing conditions (not included in the basic policy) Details of Coverage.

Sudden Deterioration of pre-existing illnesses/medical conditions where:
In the 6 months preceding the arrival to Israel:

  1. The medical condition has been stable.
  2. No hospitalization.
  3. No change in the dosage of medication being taken.

Coverage: Up to 35,000 nis
Psychiatric emergency: up to 10,500 nis


  1. Any condition for which the treatment was expected / for which a doctor in the applicant’s home country recommended the applicant not travel to Israel / for which the applicant was on a waiting list for an operation or treatment.
  2. AIDS, transplants, M.S., dialysis, C.F., sexual diseases, heart disease, malignant diseases (such as cancer).
  3. No cover for refills of medications related to the pre-existing condition.
  4. Applicants over 49 years of age.