Investments and Savings

Investing in today’s world is both enticing and confusing. The possibilities presented by media and websites seem endless, with each investment presented as being both safe and yielding high returns.
We at Egert and Cohen, with over 25 years of experience in this field, help you to transverse the investment jungle. We assist you in finding tailor made solutions that best suit your lifestyle and needs.
Please contact us for a free consultation-this service is provided by a licensed Financial Advisor.

Pre-existing conditions (not included in the basic policy) Details of Coverage.

Sudden Deterioration of pre-existing illnesses/medical conditions where:
In the 6 months preceding the arrival to Israel:

  1. The medical condition has been stable.
  2. No hospitalization.
  3. No change in the dosage of medication being taken.

Coverage: Up to $10,000
Psychiatric emergency: up to $3,000


  1. Any condition for which the treatment was expected / for which a doctor in the applicant’s home country recommended the applicant not travel to Israel / for which the applicant was on a waiting list for an operation or treatment.
  2. AIDS, transplants, M.S., dialysis, C.F., sexual diseases, heart disease, malignant diseases (such as cancer).
  3. No cover for refills of medications related to the pre-existing condition.
  4. Applicants over 49 years of age.

Pre-existing conditions (not included in the basic policy) Details of Coverage.

Sudden Deterioration of pre-existing illnesses/medical conditions where:
In the 6 months preceding the arrival to Israel:

  1. The medical condition has been stable.
  2. No hospitalization.
  3. No change in the dosage of medication being taken.

Coverage: Up to 35,000 nis
Psychiatric emergency: up to 10,500 nis


  1. Any condition for which the treatment was expected / for which a doctor in the applicant’s home country recommended the applicant not travel to Israel / for which the applicant was on a waiting list for an operation or treatment.
  2. AIDS, transplants, M.S., dialysis, C.F., sexual diseases, heart disease, malignant diseases (such as cancer).
  3. No cover for refills of medications related to the pre-existing condition.
  4. Applicants over 49 years of age.