Tourist Health Insurance

Coming to Israel for a short (or longer) visit? Make sure you have a dependable, reasonably-priced local insurance plan. We offer Basic or the Harel Gold plan.

This unique Health/Travel plan includes:
  • Contracted English speaking doctors.
  • All valid claims are paid directly—no need for self payment and submission of bills to your local insurer.
  • Full coverage for hospitals, coverage of prescription medication, x-rays, emergency dental care, doctors and specialists.
  • Access to a 24-hour English speaking call center for any inquiries or emergency help.
  • Coverage for Covid – 19 (hospitalization and medical treatment)

Harel Tour and Care


Price per day

Maximum days of cover on policy


Price per day​

Maximum days of cover on policy​


13.71 NIS per day​



17.76 NIS per day​



17.76 NIS per day​


The premium is linked to the Consumer Price Index

CTAS Gold Plan

A tailor-made extended plan for tourists in Israel, through Chai Travel Assistance Services, insured by Egert and Cohen

The plan is limited to 60 days up to age 59, and to 31 days between the ages 60-80.

Apart from the basic coverage, the plan also  includes coverage for pre-existing conditions (see policy details), coverage up to age 80, evacuation to home country, continuation of coverage overseas and more!


Price per day

The premium is linked to the Consumer Price Index


Price per day​

0- 59​

16.3 NIS per day


22.6 NIS per day​


39.5 NIS per day​


45.15 NIS per day​

Our policies include coverage for Covid19, subject to policy conditions.
After you have signed up , you will receive a policy printout with a specific clause stating coverage for Covid19 .

Pre-existing conditions (not included in the basic policy) Details of Coverage.

Sudden Deterioration of pre-existing illnesses/medical conditions where:
In the 6 months preceding the arrival to Israel:

  1. The medical condition has been stable.
  2. No hospitalization.
  3. No change in the dosage of medication being taken.

Coverage: Up to $10,000
Psychiatric emergency: up to $3,000


  1. Any condition for which the treatment was expected / for which a doctor in the applicant’s home country recommended the applicant not travel to Israel / for which the applicant was on a waiting list for an operation or treatment.
  2. AIDS, transplants, M.S., dialysis, C.F., sexual diseases, heart disease, malignant diseases (such as cancer).
  3. No cover for refills of medications related to the pre-existing condition.
  4. Applicants over 49 years of age.

Pre-existing conditions (not included in the basic policy) Details of Coverage.

Sudden Deterioration of pre-existing illnesses/medical conditions where:
In the 6 months preceding the arrival to Israel:

  1. The medical condition has been stable.
  2. No hospitalization.
  3. No change in the dosage of medication being taken.

Coverage: Up to 35,000 nis
Psychiatric emergency: up to 10,500 nis


  1. Any condition for which the treatment was expected / for which a doctor in the applicant’s home country recommended the applicant not travel to Israel / for which the applicant was on a waiting list for an operation or treatment.
  2. AIDS, transplants, M.S., dialysis, C.F., sexual diseases, heart disease, malignant diseases (such as cancer).
  3. No cover for refills of medications related to the pre-existing condition.
  4. Applicants over 49 years of age.