Policy info:
- The student’s personal belongings are insured in the dorm/apt for theft, fire, arson, and water damage.
- All-risk cover available for specific items to include cover for accidental damage and loss including outside of the dorm within Israel.
- Maximum cover on policy for personal belongings: $20,000 including all-risk cover for specific items up to $4000.
- Cost of annual policy- $100.
- Exclusions: No cover for cell phones, glasses, cash. No cover for items left in a car or bus. No cover for gross negligence.
- Please note: Please keep receipts of items bought abroad in case of a claim.
- Submit this form by e-mail to
Registration form:
Please cover me for:
- Clothing
- Books
- Musical Instruments
- Other Items:
Approximate Value- $
Credit card details:
Valid till:
* The charge will be to Menorah Insurance Company
If you need to make a claim for loss/ theft/ fire, etc we need:
- A police report (ask your yeshiva / school for nearest police station)
- Valuation of lost or stolen items.
Please email claim info and documents to along with a copy of this form.
Claims take approximately 4 weeks to settle.
There is a deductible of approximately $150 for each claim, except for laptops and Ipads – double deductible.
** All amounts for cover and prices are approximate according to the current dollar rate **
Policy conditions are according to the full Hebrew policy.
(Available upon request)
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